Biafra: What Nigeria Couldn't Do For 100 Years, Biafra Will Make Possible In A Year--IPOB

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The Nigerian government is phony, she is run as a phantom of lies and deceit. Her leaders operate a systematic mafia style of rulership and not leadership. The citizens have been cooed over the years since her amalgamation in 1914 by oppressions and suppressions into deppressions, causing them to fearfully accept and adapt to abnormalities as norms in an awkward society.  

A people in a democratic system are entitled to various fundamental rights and provisions of basic needs, they are qualified to enjoy good roads, health facilities, suitable accommodation, quality academic systems etc. These and more makes it worth paying their taxes, but in Nigeria, the tax payers suffer enormously while their taxes are used to cater for the government officials foreign trips, foreign medical bills, their children's schooling while having numerous bank accounts and investments.
These and more is evident in the administration of Nigeria, therefore, they recycle themselves to keep their pockets full and watch out for each other's back. This phony system has taken root a long time ago and has spread her tap roots into vertically all the sectors of government, hence corruption is an incurable virus for her. Nigeria is hereby eligible for demise so that nations as ours Biafra will take shape.

In Biafra, there will be transparency, justice, hard-working, and she will be people oriented and accountability will be a norm. Biafra, will not suppress her people or steal from them to enrich her leaders as everyone will be liable to their actions. Accountability at each end of era will be made public and any offending civil servant duly punished.

In Biafra, there will be complete democracy, government of the people, by the people and for the people. No lazy caucus will hijack the government as leaders will be carefully elected according to their contributions to the economic development before time of election. She will operate a system that will promote eligibility by hard-working and worth, not display of jobless, hungry and greedy position and power seeking politicians.    

Nigerian government silences oppositions and eliminates people who dare question her actions, she brutally goes after groups or individuals who try to raise cogent questions and issues, thereby murdering the public voices, NGOs, action groups, etc. She has infiltrated most of them and bribed others with money and positions.

Many have died this pyscological death as they chorus,"" if you cannot beat them, join them", such horror going on in Nigeria, will never find its way into Biafra. She will not be a forced union where power tussle will oppress and suppress other brethren but an agreed alliance of an alleged regions ably represented and terms agreed and fully signed by all involved parties.

Her system will be discussed and agreed as no particular region will acclaim to her. There will be a division in rulership and distribution of sorts as all hands will be on board to build a United States of Biafra. Bloodshed will be erased and abolished in her Constitution. No one will be above the law in Biafra as it is in Nigeria.

Nigeria sets up disagreeing persons who refuse to become corrupted. Her government sacks and replaced personnel to suit their plans, there will be no such in Biafra, no ethnic division for only qualified individuals will be appointed into offices. Biafra will not become a family business and people's businesses will not be lost to demolitions because, she will be well planned and constructively developed.

Most Nigerian media and journalists have lost their voices and tracks due to fears, threats and bribe. They are either restricted or warned not to publish facts, therefore, the masses are stuffed with lies and hypocrisy. The people are made to quarrel and argue due to disagreements as rising from contrasting news about her polity, thereby the policies of divide and rule is prominent, but in Biafra, truth will be established. There will be no gagging of the press, CV groups, NGOs or individuals. People will feel secured and carry out their duties without fear or favour.

There will be no religious ractus and everywhere in Biafra will be a safe abode for bona-fide citizens. Killings will become a thing of the past as no one will practice terrorism in her. Biafran style of government can never be like the Nigerian system in anyway. With strong conviction  I can categorically say that what Nigeria could not give you as a Nigerian since over 100yrs of her amalgamation, Biafra will give you in abundance within a year.

This is why, we all need to rise up and raise our voices for what rightfully belongs to us. It is more than possessions but more like having our identity with dignity. Reclaiming our rightful place with pride and stability. Knowing what we want with certainty and acquiring our wealth with clarity. Biafra is our home, there are no two sides to her.

God bless Biafra! Free Nnamdi Kanu! #Brexit
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