About Us


Founded on November 31st, 2015, and launched on September 1st, 2016, BiafraTimestv News is an online news outlet founded by XAck AnGeL. Biafra Anon Injectors, is a group comprising of young vibrant, dedicated and passionate {Biafra Hackers} who are concerned about the well being of the nation (Biafra).

Considering the state of affairs of Biafra, Africa, and the world at large, we saw the need to form a platform where Biafra news and issues are not only shared, but most importantly, are critically discussed.

We believe Biafra issues as it concerns humanity, deserve more attention than it is being alloted. People deserve to know and understand the realities around them better, and how it affects them. Having the right knowledge and true picture of things, will certainly trigger the proper reaction and call to action. But these can only be possible if issues or matters of great significance are given their most deserved attention.

This is the core reason behind the existence of BiafraTimestv News. To not only break news, but to also provide the medium to discuss the news, so that the right picture can be seen, information understood, and appropriate action, taken.


Our vision is to create and encourage an objective, truthful and unbiased kind of journalism were issues are not only identified for their sake, or for the purpose of serving personal or collective interests of a certain group of individuals, against the interest of the general public. But rather, a journalism which focuses on issues as it concerns the nation as a whole, and to give these issues their well deserved attention, ensured they are addressed, and needed difference felt in the general society.

We hope to create a platform were people not only read or hear of the problems facing the nation, but are also empowered with the right information to ensure that something is done to address them.

We envision a better Africa made possible by people who being empowered with appropriate knowledge on the realities around them, took the appropriate steps of ensuring that something is done to effectively address them.


Our mission is to ensure that every news makes a difference, and that your opinions are given the best attention and treatment they deserve.
We believe that 'bad news' can be made 'good news' if the right information is communicated, and the right cause of actions, taken.

For these reasons, we've resolve to not only break news, but also provide you the opportunity to:


We are on facebook, twitter, and Google plus. If you use any of these social media, you can follow us and take part in every discussion by commenting on our updates. Out site also supports three comment system such as facebook, disqus, and Google plus comment system. Whichever comment system you prefer, you are free to drop your comments.


We not only value your comments and opinions, we also value your reports. We know you have important analysis, discoveries, and other valuable information you want to share, but probably never had the chance to do so.
We therefore urge you not to keep your stories or findings to yourself. Send them to us and we will give it the best attention and treatment it deserves. We will certainly give it a voice after successfully reviewing it. In fact, we've allotted your stories a space in our sites front page for it to be easily seen. You deserve a voice!

Finally, we want to assure you that we value every comment, and have directed our editors and moderators to take note of your views or opinions, which would be compiled for analysis, and stored for record purposes. It might prove useful with time as new issues develop.