The life of Biafrans are secred, the signs have manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that they are chosen people of Chukwuokikeabiama.
The mystery surrounding Biafra agitation is beyond human comprehension. Since the resurrection of the struggle, unimaginable calamity has befallen notable companies and figures who have tried to act as a stumbling block to the restoration of Biafra Nation.
Satelinks of Israel pulled off Radio Biafra signals from their satellite after collecting bribe from the Nigeria ruler Muhammadu Buhari and few days later on November 21st 2015 at an about 6:45am the Amos 5 satellite disappeared from the orbit till today. You don’t hurt the children of the most high unjustly without a commiserate repercussion.
Secondly, the former Prim Minister of United Kingdom David Cameron who was the pillar behind President Buhari when he massacred innocent Biafrans left office with humiliation after Britain voted against his policies to exit the European Union.
Is it not an irony that a man who is presiding over the affairs of most civilized country in the world was having a political romance with a tyrant, dictator and a renowned genocidal?
Even in the light of clear evidence of high handedness, violation of international laws on human rights and other atrocious acts glaring at the face of the Nigerian President, Cameron declared unalloyed support for him. Unknowingly, he was invoking the wroth the Supreme being.
Thirdly, CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg came to Nigeria and sealed a deal with Muhammadu Buhari to enthrone Facebook as a tool to extinguish the voice of the voiceless and continuously subjugate them to perpetual poverty, probably force them into Islam as the new world order.
During his business expedition God signaled a warning to him not to soil hands in any business deal that will subjugate his chosen people to slavery in Nigeria. Facebook SpaceX satellite worth $200m exploded on lunch Pad.That should have been a big lesson for the long-necked CEO of FB but he didn’t hid the warning. Zuckerberg on Friday 28th October shut Popular Radio Biafra Facebook group in a solidarity move with the Nigeria’s President, Muhammadu Buhari to clamp down on opposition voices and perpetually deprive Millions of Biafrans their right for freedom of expression. Biafrans all over the world declared media war on Facebook and warned that Zuckerberg is about committing a financial suicide
On thursday 3rd of November 2016 Mark Zuckerberg’s lost $3. 7 billion in 2 hours, despite Facebook’s strong third quarter forecast. Then on Friday 4th of November he restors Radio Biafra Facebook Group. Now he has lost a whopping sum of $3.7 Billion before he could learn his lessons. But am sorry for Mark, his calamities have just begun. No body hurts the children of Chukwuokikeabhiama and goes free.
We await to see what is gonna happen to Obama and his collaborating purported mass murderer, Hillary Clinton whom like Buhari, he wants to impose on the American people so as to complete his islamic agenda of the United States of America. In all these odds, Chukwuemeka Ezeife and others said, nothing can stop Biafra.
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