Brief Of The Peace Talk Held To End The Nigerian-Biafran War At Ethiopia In 1968

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This excerpt is part of the many full scale peace talks between Nigeria and Biafra. In the events of 1968, the war had taken an intense turn, heavily embodied in hostilities and severe inflictions especially on the Biafran people by the British government assisted-Nigerian government.
In the build up to the eventual agreement of seizure, many talks were held. Most of these talks which were held largely outside Nigeria were discarded and were trashed especially by the Nigerian government as soon as the delegations returned to the country.  They mostly ended up lip talks.
Held at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,  the talks--aimed at ending the Nigerian Civil War--opened yesterday (Monday) at Africa hall, presided over by the Emperor Haile Selassie who was the Emperor Majesty of ethiopia.
Present at the peace talk included General Ojukwu (the Colonel), Leader of Biafra with his entourage and the leader of the Federal Nigerian Delegation Chief Enahoro with his entourage. Enahoro had spoken before the commencement of the speeches that they both wanted a binding settlement satisfactory to both sides.
The agenda, agreed by both sides in preliminary talks in Niamey, Niger, last month lists three points for discussion:- arrangements for a settlements; terms of a ceasefire; and relief to war ravaged areas.
Excerpts from the opening speeches by Colonel Ojukwu and Chief Enahoro follow:
Emperor's palace and Africa hall; Ojukwu and delegation are; Haile Selassie takes seat; Enahoro and the Nigerian delegation sit.
Ojukwu begins speaking; Enahoro speaking; (through sof)
Ojukwu: "I insisted that they (Biafran tribal chiefs) must return home and consult their people. Well, they did consult and the decision was taken. They reaffirmed their loyalty and their determination to continue the struggle. This mirrors the feelings among all Biafrans for Biafra, irrespective of ethnic origin. The so-called states created by Gowon in our territory were not designed to serve the general interests of the people but to spite them, cripple them and eventually to exterminate them."
"If Nigeria really believes that she is defending the true wishes of the Minority, she should accept our proposals for a plebiscite in the disputed area of Nigeria and Biafra".
"We joined in the negotiations in all sincerity, believing as we always have done, that there can be no other way in resolving the conflict between us. While these peace negotiations go on let us not forget that four leading African countries -- Tanzania, Gabon, Ivory Coast and Zambia -- have carefully considered the issues involved and have accorded us diplomatic recognition."
Enahoro: "The federal delegation has come to Addis determined to make every effort to dispose peacefully of the major issue which divides the two sides in our conflict. Put very simply, the central issue is whether or not the parts of the east central state of Nigeria -- still under the control of the other side at these talks -- can be reintegrated into Nigeria through these talks."
"I assure your imperial majesty that the federal government delegation will do all within its power to facilitate the work of this meeting and ensure the success of the OAU consultative committee on Nigeria in its search for an African??? ???.
Script is copyright Reuters limited. all rights reserved
1. Ojukwu was resolute in brokering peace with the Nigerian government. After the Peace talks, Ojukwu returned to the Biafran land, consulted with the traditional rulers and persuaded them in the consultation process to accept the Peace Talk. They accepted.
Nigerian government on the other hand flouted the talk's agreement. The reason had been that either the Nigerian government was pretensious in its purported efforts, or the powers in the North propelled by the wisdom of the British government, picked one or two holes and bad sides of the peace talk and squashed it.
2. The disputes on Biafran boundary as it is resurgent today, was put paid by Ojukwu. Ojukwu clearly and fearlessly stated that the Nigerian government had conspicously altered the boundary to set in ethnic sentiments, divide the Biafrans against themselves and weaken the numerical strength of Biafra.
3. Nigerian-Biafran war was an intended genocide which clearly underscored in the continued massacre of unarmed Biafran people and the willingness of the Nigerian government to continue
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