Emeka Maduewesi Writes On The Real Import Of The Biafran Name And The Contention On Its Boundaries

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The contention and questions on the name and boundaries of the Republic of Biafra has been strond realities often submitted in National, groups and individual debates. Escpecially in recent times, the resurgence of this line of scholalrly engagements purported by the resumed agitations of the Republic of Biafra and the many fictisious politics that have greeted the honest agitations to silence them, voices from mainly them non-Igbo extractions of Biafra land have raised these name and especially, boundaries question, with the uninformed asserting that the Biafra was reduced to the areas occupied by Igbo people.
The misguided debates, contentions and misconceptions were subtly perfected by the Military Government of General Yakubu Gowon, heavily guided by the British government with their "Divided and Rule" tactics. They manipulatively altered the boundaries of the old Eastern states that made Biafra which General Ojukwu as at then, governned.
The essences were obvious, to divide the people, infuse tribal sentiments in them, deplete the numerical powers of the Biafran republic, carving out the Igbo people of whom the British government had unspeakable hatred for their greatness and said "stubborn resistance" to their colonial rule.
In this article, Emeka Maduewesi leads us through a deep exposition. He takes us into the factors that surround the name of Biafra, these major contentions and of course, shades light on the great, real import of Biafra as an African traditional name devoid of colonial festers.
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"#Biafra is not an Ijaw name
As an Igbo nationalist and Biafran agitator, I have been asked innumerable times why the Igbo should use an Ijaw name for their nation.
Let me quickly state here that the Republic of Biafra as existed in our first iteration was not Igbo. It was the old Eastern Region of Nigeria consisting of many ethnic nationalities. However, when war was brought upon the Eastern Region, ethnic Igbos from the Western bank of the River Niger showed brotherly love and joined the war on the side of their Eastern brethren.
Now, why was the name Biafra chosen for the old Eastern Region when the citizens wanted to severe themselves from Nigeria? One may ask, "Why did the people of Gold Coast choose Ghana as their national name when they got independence from the British? Why did the citizens of Dahomey change the name of their country to Republic of Benin?"
The answer to the above questions is simple, "These were the names of powerful ancient African kingdoms." Even Dahomey, the name of a powerful African kingdom inherited by a modern African nation decided to choose Benin, just as many pure Igbos want to identify with the ancient Benin Kingdom today.
So, where was the Kingdom of Biafra?
Biafra was described by many 19th Century dictionaries, geographical and historical books thus:
Biafar, or Biafra
"This kingdom, situated on the east of Benin, on the west of, and divided by a chain of mountains from, Medra, extends on the south to the 4th degree of north latitude. The natives are the most addicted of all negroes to, and infatuated with, magic; imagining themselves capable of causing rain, thunder, and lightening;and therefore worship with grate zeal, and sacrifice their children to, the devil."
-REFERENCE: An universal history: from the earliest accounts to the present time, Volume 16, January 1, 1760. #Amadioha#Egbesu#Obumo! You know them.
The old African Kingdom of Biafra was exactly on the same location as the new Republic of Biafra. In fact, when Biafra is fully restored, the nation will be a predial successor to the old kingdom, occupying a large portion of the ancient land mass.
Biafra is not an Ijaw name. That Chief Frank Opigo, an Ijaw, suggested the name of this historical kingdom does not confer Ijaw origin to the name.
As for the meaning of the name, it is very idle at this time to start ascribing a meaning to the name Biafra. What does Ghana mean?
So, if you are from that area described as the Kingdom of Biafra in the 17th Century books whose pages are shown here, you have a legitimate claim to the name. As for the religious practices of ancient Biafrans, that sounds like the Biblical Book of Judges to me."
Article Credit: Emeka Maduewesi
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Emeka Maduewesi Writes On The Real Import Of The Biafran Name And The Contention On Its Boundaries

The contention and questions on the name and boundaries of the Republic of Biafra has been strond realities o
