Breaking News: Finally British Government Calls For Biafra Referendum!!!

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Nigeria: A sign of hope for all those agitating for the restoration of Biafra from Nigeria. the ingenuity and tactics of the indigenous people of Biafra is second to non as it has started paying off.
The calls and protests by the Indigenous People of Biafra and other such groups, received some attention in the British House of Commons.
In a motion called Early Day Motion 808 and titled Biafra Independence, Elliott, Tom moved a motion that urged the British government to support the bid for the creation of a Biafra Republic by urging the Nigerian government to conduct a referendum.
The motion which was supported by Kinahan, Danny read
“That this House recognizes the calls for the independence of territories that constituted the Biafra Republic; acknowledges the Biafran issue could be improved with the co-operation of the Nigerian government by offering a referendum; and urges the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to use its diplomatic strength to assist in the resolution of this matter.”
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It is God Project, so it must come to pass

Let rule of law be enshrined in all the processes of the negotiations. Am advocate of sacrosanct law let the low and high be responsible.

Freedom is a property for the BIAFRA NATION , it's ordained by the Most High God. Any countries, or groups of people nor individual that goes contrary against this decision of God, will face conflicts among themselves and it will never stop, until they removed their involvements which is going against the FREEDOM OF BIAFRA, and let the BIAFRA go on their own peaceful ways.

(Long live BIAFRA)


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